



  • (1)クレアモード株式会社は、お問合せ・人材採用その他目的で取得しました個人情報は、下記目的の範囲でしか利用しません。
    • ・製品、サービスに関するご案内
    • ・製品のアフターサービス、メンテナンスを実施するため
    • ・お問合せ・資料請求業務に対する業務遂行及び社内集計業務
    • ・製品・サービスの向上のため、統計データとしてカウントに使用する場合
    • ・その他何等かの理由でお客様との接触が必要になったときのため
    • ・人材採用に関わる連絡(採否、問い合わせ)、人材採用に関わる社内集計業務
    • ・その他目的については都度利用目的を提示いたします。
  • (2)クレアモード株式会社は、個人情報を第三者との間で共同利用し、または個人情報の取扱いを第三者に委託する場合には、当該第三者につき厳正な調査をおこなったうえ、秘密を保持させるために適正な監督を行います。












creamodo Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “creamodo”) fully acknowledges the importance of personal information and shall handle the same in accordance with the following management system and policy.

1.Acquisition of personal information

creamodo shall comply with applicable laws and ordinances and acquire personal information only through fair and equitable means.

2.Use of personal information

  • (1)creamodo shall use the personal information that is acquired through inquiries or staff recruiting process, etc. only for the following purposes.
    • ・To provide information related to its products and services.
    • ・To perform post-sale services and maintenance of the products.
    • ・To perform work and keep internal record in connection with inquiries and requests for information materials.
    • ・To use it as statistical data for improving the products and services.
    • ・To contact a customer if that is necessitated for any other reason.
      Also to provide information by sending consented mails, FAX, electronic mails, etc.
    • ・To communicate and also to keep internal record in connection with staff recruiting process
      (notice of hiring or no-hiring decision, inquiry).
    • ・If the personal information shall be used for any other purpose, it shall be notified on such occasion.
  • (2)If creamodo should elect to collaborate with, or entrust to, any third party concerning the handling and/or use of the personal information, it shall thoroughly investigate such third party beforehand and provide appropriate supervision to the same to keep the personal information confidential.

3.Provision of personal information to third party

creamodo shall not provide the personal information to any third party (excluding a company to which creamodo entrusts work) without those persons’ prior consent, unless otherwise stipulated by applicable law or ordinance.

4.Management of personal information

creamodo shall maintain the personal information accurately and safely. creamodo shall exercise appropriate information security measures to protect against external unauthorized access, etc., so as to prevent any loss, destruction, falsification, leakage and so forth of the personal information. creamodo shall further prevent any leakage of the personal information by prohibiting take-out of the personal information, transmission of the same to an outside party, and so forth.

5.Disclosure, revision, suspension of use, and deletion of personal information

creamodo confirms that the person to whom the personal information pertains is entitled to request disclosure, revision, suspension of use, deletion and the like of the personal information, and agrees to respond promptly to any such request without objection.

6.Organization and structure

creamodo shall appoint a personal information protection manager to exercise proper management of the personal information. creamodo shall provide training to its directors, officers and employees in connection with protection and proper management of the personal information and shall endeavor to properly handle the personal information in its daily operations.

7.Setup, implementation, maintenance and improvement of compliance program for personal information protection

creamodo shall establish a compliance program for the personal information protection (including this policy, the “Personal Information Protection Regulation” and other relevant rules) in order to implement this policy. Subsequently, creamodo shall have it known and exercised by its employees, maintain it, and continuously improve upon it.

October 1st 2013
creamodo Co., Ltd.